• The Pro Piano International Contest,
  • The Festival “ Friends of Music “,
  • The Laureates Festival
  • EMC = Excellency and Merit Center
  • NEWS (Blog)

1. The International Contest “PRO PIANO-ROMANIA” is open to young pianists aged between 6 and 30 who can obtain performances and who are eager to estimate their technical and artistic abilities in an international context.

2. The festival “ Friends of Music – PRO PIANO-ROMANIA” is a means through which young pianists aged between 5 and 18 who are studying music, governmental or private, but who have not covered yet a repertoire with a high artistic and technical level of difficulty, in accordance to their age; thus the Foundation tries to encourage the youngsters’ love and interest for music.  From 2008 there are branch “Music Friends” – in Cluj-Napoca.

3. The Laureats Festival is open to the laureats of the Contest, as well to special Romanian and foreign guests.

4. EMC = Excellency and Merit (Praiseworthy) Center: reunites young musicians, vocal interpreters and instrumentalists (piano, violin, winds) with ages between 5 – 30 years, selected and awarded in national and international contests. They will be programmed this year in recitals and shows of a high artistic level, in country and international special locations.

5. NEWS – new informations about:
– a) the 2 branchs “Music Friends”
– b) holiday music camp.